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A round up of recent progress on the allotment.
These photos are from 9th of July:
These leeks had a slow start. The rabbits ate them almost down to the groud a couple of months ago. Amazingly they seem to have come back pretty well.
The squash are growing fast now, looks like we'll have a lot! These are called Sunburst and have a wonderful scalloped edge.
The kale's done really well. More than we can eat! And in the background the rapidlly growing sweetcorn.
A few days later, 23rd of July and we’ve got a good harvest:
The potatoes are the first earlies, Foremost. That's the crop from three plants. We've also lifted the second garlic patch, this was planted in January and seems pretty similar to the stuff that went in in November. Also a good crop of courgettes, turnips, chard, onions and blackberries.
Sweetcorn are looking lush now, lots of foliage but not much sign of corn yet!
The chard has been a great success. We have yellow, red and a more conventional leaf beat, very similar to spinach.
We've planted sweetpeas and sunflowers against the fence for a bit of colour.
The beans have been a nightmare, bad weather, rabbits and voles have had most of them. We have some dwarf runners that are finally doing what they're meant to do now.